by nextlsellers | Nov 25, 2018 | Next Level Marketing Blog
[ad_1] Data privacy is, as it should be, high on the minds of tech companies and the public at large. Unfortunately, much of the discussion of late has centered around controversies originating with the misuse or fraudulent nature of some data sources. But we...
by nextlsellers | Nov 25, 2018 | Next Level Marketing Blog
[ad_1] When I look back on the history of AWS and think about the launches that truly signify the fundamentally dynamic, on-demand nature of the cloud, two stand out in my memory: the launch of Amazon EC2 in 2006 and the concurrent launch of CloudWatch Metrics, Auto... by nextlsellers | Nov 25, 2018 | Next Level Marketing Blog
[ad_1] From time to time, we’ll let you know if new jobs have been added to the PPC Hero Job Board. In the past 2 weeks, 8 new jobs have been posted! Here’s a brief look at some of the newly posted positions: Go Local Interactive Overland Park, KS Role:...
by nextlsellers | Nov 23, 2018 | Next Level Marketing Blog
[ad_1] Janrain’s depiction of a client company’s calls to its cloud platform, over the OIDC (OpenID Connect 1.0) protocol. Identity management platform Janrain is out Wednesday with its new Identity Central platform, which it says is the first such...
by nextlsellers | Nov 23, 2018 | Next Level Marketing Blog
[ad_1] As I have discussed in the past, our customers use multiple AWS accounts for many different reasons. Some of them use accounts to create administrative and billing boundaries; others use them to control the blast radius around any mistakes that they make. Even...
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